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San Francisco, CA USA
San Francisco, CA USA

Firework Shows        vs.    Drone Light Shows


Bringing awareness to the harmful side effects of fireworks and offering eco-entertainment alternatives such as drone light shows and projection mapping on buildings has been a passion project of mine sine 2018. I believe it is important to bring into consideration the harmful side effects of our actions, especially during a time when we all need to do our individual parts to help contribute to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. In my opinion, the tradition of using fireworks for celebration around the world has been overlooked, and it is time now, especially with eco-entertainment alternatives, to consciously decide to choose the more sustainable option available. Let's celebrate together in a new, progressive, peaceful and sustainable way. 


I hope entertainment becomes a reflection of our positive & eco-friendly intentions, while the Harmony Strand symbol is used to connect our energies around the world for global harmony.

Facts about Firework Shows

Fireworks are used as a cultural symbol to celebrate the New Year.

They are beautiful but also very harmful to our health, animals and environment.


Can we justify so much destruction for 8-15 minute shows?

Do they align with positive new years resolutions?



“The New Year’s Eve fireworks released around 4000 tons of fine dust, according to estimates by the Federal Environmental Agency, which is equivalent to 15 percent of the volume produced by cars and trucks throughout the year.”  (Germany)




“Fireworks propel a cocktail of chemicals into the atmosphere, many of which can harm both people and the environment. The vivid colors in the firework display come from metallic compounds such as barium or aluminum that can have negative impacts on animal and human health…..




"Die bundesweit höchste Konzentration gab es in Berlin-Friedrichshain: Dort wurden 853 Mikrogramm Feinstaub der Partikelgröße PM10 pro Kubikmeter gemessen. Dahinter folgte eine Station in Reutlingen mit 805 Mikrogramm pro Kubikmeter und eine in der Innenstadt von Leipzig mit 781 Mikrogramm pro Kubikmeter. Der Grenzwert für das Tagesmittel beträgt 50 Mikrogramm pro Kubikmeter.

Mit größerem Abstand folgten dann Messstationen in Ottweiler (488), Karlsruhe (468), Darmstadt (467), Würzburg (452) und Friedrichshafen am Bodensee (450). Auch in Köln, München und anderen größeren Städten wurden stark erhöhte Feinstaubwerte um ein Uhr nachts am 1. Januar gemessen."​




Firework Costs on New Year's Eve

Fireworks are non-reusable. Prices below are indicated in United States Dollars $


New Years Eve 2020

$ ~6.5 Million / 10 Minute Show (London, UK)

$ ~6.5 Million / 12 Minute Show (Sydney, Australia) 


New Years Eve 2019

$ ~4.2 Million / 10 Minute Show (London, UK)

$ ~6.5 Million / 12 Minute Show (Sydney, Australia)


New Years Eve 2018

$ ~ 3 Million /  10 Minute Show (London, UK)

$ ~ 5.2 Million /  12 Minute Show  (Sydney, Australia)        

$ ~ 150,161 /  6 Minute Show (Taipei, Taiwan)

$ ~ 79,400 /  15 Minute Shows (Zurich, Switzerland) 

Facts about Drone Light Shows

  • Cost: Between $ 10,000 to $1,000,000 +  depending on number of drones, duration, visuals and Company.

  • Duration: Shows last between 5 -15 minutes (depending on temperature, wind & choreography)

  • Shows: Use between 20 - 2,000+ drones, depending on software and drones available. The record amount of drones used in 2018 was 2,018 drones in Folsom, California. Duration: 5 minutes long by Intel Shooting Stars.

  • Interesting article: FORBES: Drone Light Shows "Way Cooler" Than Fireworks'. June 30, 2020

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